Daycare & Headstart
Home/Daycare & Headstart
Mission and Vision
“We believe that children are our future, we need to teach them well and let them lead the way”
The Yorkton Tribal Council Early Childhood programs will strive to instill in our First Nations children, a sense of pride in their cultural and traditional beliefs, to encourage our children to develop a sense of pride and respect in themselves, their parents their communities and mother earth.
We will strive to foster the love of lifelong learning through education and interaction to promote the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, language and cultural aspect of the child’s self-esteem and sense of self.
Programs & Services
Cost: $10.00/child
Ages: infants 6 weeks to 5 years old
What we provide: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, we celebrate birthdays, and holidays, go on various fun filled field trips.
What parents provide us with: pampers, milk, extra change of clothing, indoor shoes, dress appropriate for the weather.
Free program for children to attend.
Head Start Program
The goal of the head start program includes two objectives; firstly, to promote parental/family enhancement as a means of extending the child and parent learning experiences; and secondly, to foster the continuum of the learning process.
Ages: 3&4 year olds.
Time: Monday and Wednesdays 10am – 3pm – 4 year olds
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am – 1pm — 3 years olds
Curriculum includes:
• teaching school readiness skills for children
• developing an appreciation for their First Nation’s Heritage
• developing socializations skills
• teaching person safety issues
• teaching about health, nutrition and healthy lifestyles
• specialized support to those who are experiencing developmental challenges
• enhancing parenting skills and their ability to interact with their chlidren
• parent and community involvement/ support for the head start program activities.
We follow 6 components: parental involvement, culture and language, education and skill development, social support, and health promotion.
Our programs are monitored and licensed by the Yorkton Tribal Council and we follow their regulations that they have set out for daycares and head start.

Monica Perswasin

Infant Caregiver
Louisa Keshane

Toddler Caregiver/Infant Care
Marilyn Whitehawk

Cook/Headstart Driver
Matilda Kayseas

Headstart Teacher
Terrilynn Friday