Message from Chief George Cote
Anin Sikwa Anishinabe
Good day, Cote First Nation Membership. I am very thankful and honoured to be serving my third term as your Chief. I appreciate the support and working diligently with the Council and Administration Staff to continue to fulfill the Community Comprehension Plan.
I am excited for the Cote Recreation Complex to be completed this year. This project will be used for the well being of our members of all ages. Hockey and exercise will be the focus along with other healing events we will be hosting in the facility.
Our land claims are in negotiations and we continue to ensure our treaties are honoured and compensation is received. These claims will assist to improve the infrastructure in our Nation. We also are working to improve the supports to our urban members. Lack of resources have been a challenge and we hope to ensure their needs are met.
We continue to pave a path for the youth and unborn to establish a future through education, language, and cultural teachings to ensure our identity is not taken away. Our future will improve when we work together and support one another. I have faith we will be a stronger Nation as we heal in the ways of the Creator.
All departments in our Nation have done an excellent job to ensure the needs of our Community are in place. One day at a time is a great way to know change is good.
I thank the Elders of our Nation for their prayers and their teachings to the youth and guidance given to Leadership.
“As long as the grass grows, and the rivers flow, and the sun shines”, we will be Anishinabe Strong. We give thanks to the Creator for life and all He provides!
Chief George Cote
Cote First Nation
Chief & Council
Community Development
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Cote First Nation
Izayan Owitinikan - "Going into the future"
Latest Projects
Buffalo Project
The buffalo project started in December 2021.
Rink Project
The new arena and multi-purpose facility is expected to open in April 2024.
Fence Post Remediation
The project will result in the excavation of impacted materials and backfill with clean source material. Construction (excavation) will be planned for summer 2021.